Panasonic TC-L50E60 50-Inch 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV

Panasonic TC L50E60 50 Inch 1080p 120Hz Product Details :

  • VIERA Connect with Built-In Wi-Fi and Web Browser
  • Full HD 120 Hz
  • Super Slim Metal Bezel
  • 60hz refers to the power source frequency (voltage).
  • Double frame technology of generating 120 frames per second (120Hz technology).

Panasonic TC L50E60 50 Inch 1080p 120Hz Reviews :

Shock and Awe

I went into the store to buy the Panasonic plasma rated by CNET. The E60 LED was displayed next to it and I was surprised how much brighter the image is. The picture quality seemed of equal quality to the top rated unit and my eyes didn’t have to strain to see the dimmer plasma-based picture. We tried several modes and brightness levels and the plasma just couldn’t come close.

After we got it home, I was simply amazed at how good the picture quality is at this price point. The smart TV with wireless features made this a plug and play device; literally, one plug goes in the wall, configure the wireless though on-screen prompts, log into Amazon Prime, and we were blown away by the opening reels of madmen and shocked at how bad Cameron’s and Ed Rooney’s teeth are in Ferris Bueler’s Day Off… I can’t wait to throw on Art of Flight once the stereo is connected. If you are looking for a smart TV with incredible picture, no 3D, and for less than $1000, you found it! 

Wonderful Panasonic set. 50 inch
What can I say about this fantastic TV that hasn’t already been said. Ok, so the set itself is well up to par with units costing twice the amount. The TV is ultra slim a d the bezel is a mere .25″ THIN. No big fat frame. Nice !
The picture is one of the best I’ve seen. The sound is ok, but not great. It is surely ok for regular viewing. You must understand that the best picture is obtained using the custom setup. In closing, I picked this baby up for $699.99 on sale at Best Buy. Can’t beat it. Now, dive in and purchase this wonder TV. 
Amazing resolution
This is the most amazingly sharp picture I have ever seen, and the off-axis color, brightness, and contrast are outstanding. As I watch movies and other programming I have seen before, I am literally seeing things in the picture I never realized were there. This is the third HDTV I have owned in the past 8 years, and this one is as much a jump in quality and resolution over the others as my first HD was over analog.

Only a few weeks old at this point, but so far I could not be more pleased. 

Quality is pretty amazing
This is my first LED TV and the first one I’ve owned that has internet connectivity.

The quality is pretty great. It takes a minute getting used to the quality of the LED TVs, since it causes the so-called “soap opera” effect. However, once you get over that it’s really nice. It only takes a couple seconds for your eyes to adjust.

The smart TV features are useful, but honestly if you are a heavy internet programming user like our household you are probably better off using a Roku or Apple TV. However if you don’t already have those, this is a good alternative. I really like the fact that the TV can play digital video files that are shared on the local area network.

Still, I didn’t buy this for many features other than it’s quality and size, and in that regard this TV excels. The price I purchased it at was really great on Amazon too. 

Panasonic TC-L58E60 58-Inch 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV
The best way to start with a review about this TV is to start with the picture. I have never seen a more clearer and better picture than on this Panasonic. The Panasonic Plasmas are outstanding but this is different. The best way to describe the picture is it as though you are watching something almost live as if it was in front of you and the actors are performing on stage. That is how incredible this picture is. I cannot comment on the sound as I have the Tv hooked up to a sounds system. The Amazon delivery was terrific and on time as promised. There are many features to this TV that I still have to explore but for the price, you will not find a better LED Smart large screen TV. By the way, I have not changed the TV settings as of yet because I cannot imagine making the picture any better.
Panasonic TC-L50E60 50-Inch 1080p 120Hz Smart … – Panasonic TC-L50E60 50-Inch 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV: Electronics. Customer Reviews: Panasonic TC-L50E60 50-Inch 1080p 120Hz … – This review is from: Panasonic TC-L50E60 50-Inch 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV (Electronics). First off, I do like this TV. The display is crisp and clear, the … Panasonic TC-L50E60 50-Inch 1080p 120Hz Smart … – Panasonic TC-L50E60 50-Inch 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV: Explore similar items. Customer Reviews: Panasonic TC-L50E60 50-Inch 1080p 120Hz … – 4.0 out of 5 stars This TV has pop-up ads enabled by default – how to disable them. First off, I do like this TV. The display is crisp and clear, the blacks are deep  … Questions and Answers : Panasonic TC-L50E60 50-Inch 1080p … – Questions and Answers about Panasonic TC-L50E60 50-Inch 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV.
